Monday 29 March 2010

First draft of the cover:

First attempt at the front cover of the magazine. I used an image from google and added effects onto it via Photoshop. I then added more layers of which were text layers to attract the audience. I like how a human is holding the earth in his hand on this image (taken from google images). It sort of gives of a sense that the earth is ours, and we should look after it,
I also like how i've used the lens flare effect coming from the earth, as if the sun is behind it.
I used a starry background to represent the universe around the earth, and because the background is quite dark, i then used light contrasting colours for the text.
I like this front cover although it only says 'natural disasters', it doesn't show any. Which to me, isn't quite interesting. This is why i chose to create another cover, a cover which shows the audience what the magazine is about inside.

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