Tuesday 23 February 2010


I created a questionnaire to hand out to thirty children, ten questionnaires to each of the three year groups (nine, ten and eleven).

First of all i created a definition of a natural disaster and used that on the questionnaire: 'A natural disaster is a freak accident that occurs on earth, that is nobodies fault. It occurs naturally, by natural hazards such as earthquakes, volcanoes, storms and tsunamis and causes major devastation.' I did this so the children could understand what a natural disaster was if they didn't know in the first place.

The questions i used:
- What natural disasters do you know about?
- What would you like to know about natural disasters?
- Would you like the magazine to be colourful?
- What would normally attract you to a magazine?
- What would you like your geography magazine to include?
- Would you like a glossary of key terms in the magazine?
- Would you like anything specific to be featured in the magazine?
- Is there anything else you would like to add?

I used short sentences for the children to understand. I didn't go into much detail with what i wanted from them as i wanted to know what they wanted from me in the long run.

The questionnaire is a good way of interaction with my target audience on the project I'm doing, giving them this chance to have a say on what they would like to have in it, makes them feel as though I'm satisfying there needs and giving them what they want.

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