Tuesday 23 February 2010


I created a questionnaire to hand out to thirty children, ten questionnaires to each of the three year groups (nine, ten and eleven).

First of all i created a definition of a natural disaster and used that on the questionnaire: 'A natural disaster is a freak accident that occurs on earth, that is nobodies fault. It occurs naturally, by natural hazards such as earthquakes, volcanoes, storms and tsunamis and causes major devastation.' I did this so the children could understand what a natural disaster was if they didn't know in the first place.

The questions i used:
- What natural disasters do you know about?
- What would you like to know about natural disasters?
- Would you like the magazine to be colourful?
- What would normally attract you to a magazine?
- What would you like your geography magazine to include?
- Would you like a glossary of key terms in the magazine?
- Would you like anything specific to be featured in the magazine?
- Is there anything else you would like to add?

I used short sentences for the children to understand. I didn't go into much detail with what i wanted from them as i wanted to know what they wanted from me in the long run.

The questionnaire is a good way of interaction with my target audience on the project I'm doing, giving them this chance to have a say on what they would like to have in it, makes them feel as though I'm satisfying there needs and giving them what they want.

Monday 15 February 2010


A natural disaster is a freak accident that occurs on earth that is nobodies fault, it occurs naturally, but causes major devastation.

Sunday 14 February 2010

My Objectives:

- To give sufficient information to the reader so that they will be able to learn from the magazine I’ve created.

- To create a magazine inspired by natural disasters.

- To record and log my progress, to show how I created the magazine from scratch.

- To help children understand the effects and affects of natural disasters.

My Aim:

I aim to produce a real media product that will inspire those who read it. Helping them achieve and expand their knowledge of natural disasters via Geography. I am going to make a magazine based on five natural disasters, filled with geographical terms, pictures, quizzes and other information for the reader to learn from.

Thursday 11 February 2010

What is an 'Extended Project'?

The extended project is a new qualification which requires students to produce a single piece of work of their own choosing, showing evidence of planning, preparation, research and their working methods.

The aim of the project is to strengthen programmes of study for 16- to 19-year-olds while testing a wide range of skills.

The extended project will require students to:
- devise, design and plan the project.
- research, critically select, organise and use information.
- select and use a range of resources.
- analyse data, apply findings.
- and demonstrate understanding of any links, connections and complexities of the topic.
- select and use a range of skills.
- to carry out the project and achieve planned outcomes.