Friday 14 May 2010

First Draft Of Contents:

  • I created this colourful contents to fit in with the background colours of the pages. E.g Pages 3&4 are pages on Tsunami, that is why the box is the same colour blue as the background of the tsunami page. 5&6 is yellow as its the volcano pages' background.. etc.
  • I kept the contents simple as the magazine is based at years 9-11, and i am only creating information on five natural disasters which doesn't need lots of pages. However, if the magazine was to have more information in, the boxes for the pages/page numbers would get smaller, so more could fit on.
  • I like the mountainous image at the bottom of the contents, it shows natural beauty, juxtaposing the magazines title 'natural disasters'. It also blends in with the colour scheme i've used on the page, pastel colours.
  • I think this page is very unique and colourful, meaning the children will like it. I think this because its not textbook black and white... its much more adventurous!
  • The image to the bottom of the contents page was taken from: CLICK HERE